An identity to which a person can connect is important for a brand. Creating a personal brand begins from the space of awareness. Who are you and what do you like are questions you start with. This also answers the question why creating your brand is important. 

In his book ‘The Brand Flip’, Marty Neumeier mentions this: ‘we don’t want to be sold things, but we love to buy. We don’t want to buy, we join tribes because we are looking for connections and meaning in our lives.’

The next easy step is to address the audience: who am I trying to have a dialogue with. The target audience or focus group plays an important role in creating your brand. 

What is it that I want to tell them? Ensure the first few sentences about yourself and what you are here for hit the nail on the coffin. Your story is yours to tell. Tell the audience what you can do and detail the purpose. 

How should the transportation of messages happen? Can it be via your business brand or your different social media accounts should be the last step. The people who start following your story connect to you. Your unfiltered story brings them closer to what you have created. Be consistent, relevant and give value to your audience.